Friday 14 February 2020

Stumped on Moving Heavy Appliances?

Moving your furniture and all your belongings when you switch homes is bad enough considering all the work that’s involved. But when you have to deal with extremely heavy objects like refrigerators or washing machines, things are especially annoying. More often than not, you’ll almost always need another person to help you move something for your own safety. Our few solutions to heavy items are no different: be sure to have someone helping you, even if these methods only require one person to do the moving itself. Getting items underneath big items still requires someone else to tip something to one side so that you can slide it beneath the object. Make sure you’re enlisting help when moving these things, if we haven’t stressed it enough. I mean, just use common sense and you should be good.

If you’re looking for other ways to move your heavyish items, look no further! We’ve got alternative things, like packaging supplies and more, for you.

Lifting straps
I’m sure you’ve seen them before, but they are are relatively uncommon but some of the most ingenious things to assist lifting heavy items. Some straps connect to your forearms to quickly and easily get to moving, whereas others have a harness that goes around your midsection for even heavier items. Think about investing in these if you’re young enough to need them for the rest of your life or old enough to need them for the safety of your neck and back.

Furniture quilts
If you had never heard of this, just imagine a quilt and, well, that’s all it is. But seriously, these are best for protecting furniture during the shifting caused by moving vehicles, they double as a drag blanket, too. Much like the use of cardboard, putting a furniture blanket beneath heavier items makes it easy to drag your furniture along flooring without damaging the flooring or the item.

Cardboard boxes
You don’t even have to pay for these! Excess boxes can be broken down into “shims” of sorts that allow you to drag heavy things across carpet, hardwood floor, and linoleum easily enough to not have to really lift the object off the ground. The reason this method really shines, however, is that it protects your flooring. You won’t have to worry about the feet of the furniture or appliance dragging against whatever flooring you have down since the cardboard will be between both.

These packaging supplies are made to protect your floors, your back, and your property. Make good use of them.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Candy Galore!

When you ask people what holiday brings the biggest sugar rush most people’s mind goes straight to Halloween. The lesser thought about close runner-up has to be Easter. Instead of children going door to door asking for candy it’s hidden right there in their backyards! All they have to do is walk a few feet and scoop up their prizes.

They have bags worth of candy that they dump into cardboard boxes to be sorted and traded. See, just like Halloween. The purples, blacks, and greens are replaced with pastel and pretty yellows, blues, and pinks. Candies are pretty and bright. Why wouldn’t the kids eat all of these beautiful assortments? Chocolate bunnies with tied ears? Sure. Entire cardboard boxes with yellow chicks? Great! They might not get the quantity of candy they do on Halloween, but the quality is far superior. The candy is way bigger and quite honestly, way better.

I would take Easter candy over Halloween candy any day of the week. Those portions sizes are huge! Have you seen those mega sized gummy bears? Absolutely ridiculous. Here are some are of the most extreme Easter candies.

Robin eggs.
These can be super cute little eggs or they can be huge monsters! Kids often find them inside their easter eggs during the easter egg hunt. But usually they have at least one giant robin egg in their Easter basket.

Whether you like them or not, Peeps are the iconic Easter candy. So iconic that people started supersizing Peeps for entertainment. Seriously, go check out YouTube with the key words “giant peeps” and you will see loads of influencers making their own giant Peep. That is too much marshmallow for me personally. But I am sure it is just fine for a six year old on Easter Sunday.

Chocolate bunnies.
Here is the granddaddy of them all. Giant chocolate bunnies date back to 1952 when the candy industry was booming! Some companies really get you, though, because the chocolate candy is hollowed out. You got to go for the Dove brand to make sure you have solid chocolate without the entire bunny. It just is not worth it if it’s not solid chocolate. 

Here are just a few examples of how Easter candy is far better than Halloween candy. I would rather have giant versions of my favorite candy rather than bite sized versions. You can also find types of “Halloween candy” any time of the year, whereas Easter candy only comes around every once in a while. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Cardboard is Awesome

When I think about things made of cardboard, I’m always brought back to the traditional cardboard boxes you may think of: the rectangular and square boxes that house holiday and birthday gifts; the boxes that are sent to your doorstep with contents from online shopping within; and my personal favorite, boxes that have products for department stores. That last one is mostly reminiscent of my days as a stocker at a local Dollar General. And believe me, we had boxes for days at that place. People would come in often asking us if they could take home some cardboard for free, and we’d inevitably have an entire “roll-tainer” full of broken down cardboard.

So, believe me, I’ve seen plenty of cardboard in my day. And here I am, sipping from a soda can that was housed in a plastic bag within cardboard. It cracks me up thinking about how companies can make their products cheaper, and lo and behold cardboard makes it happen.

In fact, that’s what interests me most about cardboard. It’s so incredibly versatile and durable, yet one of the cheapest materials to manufacture. And what ends up happening because it’s so ridiculously cheap? It’s used everywhere. But it’s not even that cardboard is “bad” or compromises the safety of your product. Rather, the opposite happens: it’s so easy to use, so durable en route, and super cushiony for anything that’s fragile.

Cardboard boxes do it all, folks. No matter what way you look at cardboard, it’s always going to be around. Even if some material comes around that phases out cardboard, companies will still opt for cardboard solely because it’ll be an even cheaper material that still gets the job done. That’s how lasting its influence and pure power will be.

All in all, this material has stood the test of time in the past and it’ll continue to do so going forward. In a way, it makes you respect the fact that a material made of paper can be so incredibly useful worldwide in almost every industry you think of. Heck, the fact that you can have some cardboard at home as a versatile material shows you how amazing it is.

I think that more people need to appreciate the things around them. You’ll never know when you desperately need a box for storage or carrying things out of your house. Or you never know when you’ll want kindling. Or something to soak up an oil spill. That’s the power of cardboard.